Aliana Heffernan Archives | Cadent Cadent - Advanced TV advertising solutions Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:42:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aliana Heffernan Archives | Cadent 32 32 MFAs Are Wasting Your Ad Dollars – Here’s How to Prevent It Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:41:43 +0000 Learn why MFAs are detrimental to advertisers and how investing in these sites can lead to wasted ad dollars and diminished brand reputation.]]>

For several years, the digital advertising industry has grappled with an ugly, open secret – “Made for Advertising” sites. These websites, also referred to as MFAs, are designed primarily to host ads rather than provide genuine content. This raises significant concerns about the efficacy and ethics of digital marketing campaigns. While this highly viewable content may seem like a shortcut to gaining exposure, the reality is that this type of content is often far from beneficial for advertisers.  

Despite their ubiquity, MFAs present many challenges for advertisers seeking genuine engagement and meaningful interactions with their target audience. From questionable content quality to issues of ad fraud and diminishing returns, the allure of these sites often does not translate into positive outcomes for buyers. In fact, a 2023 joint industry report from the ANA, 4A’s, WFA, and ISBA found that MFAs “comprise 21 percent of impressions and 15 percent of ad spend.” Additionally, with this level of inefficiency, publishers and the SSPs that sell this type of inventory are increasingly placed under a microscope.  

In this blog, we will delve into the reasons why MFAs are detrimental to advertisers and explore how investing in these sites can ultimately lead to wasted ad dollars and diminished brand reputation.  

Adalytics Uncovers the Prevalence of MFAs 

Recently, Adalytics published the results of their study on advertisements seen on MFA sites. The report shows that many adtech companies are promoting tools to prevent ads from appearing on “Made for Advertising” (MFA) sites while simultaneously profiting from these very sites. Adalytics is critical of the industry’s hypocrisy in claiming to combat MFA sites while benefitting from the ad inventory they provide. The report underscores the need for greater transparency across the adtech ecosystem to address the issues caused by MFAs.  

“It is imperative for supply partners to place a high priority on maximizing advertiser return on investment (ROI) by directing media spend towards sites known for authentic performance metrics. This approach starkly contrasts with the inefficacy found on MFA sites, which do not provide the same level of genuine performance,” explains Brian Weigel, SVP, Operations for Cadent Aperture MX.   

“Including MFAs within an inventory source not only dilutes the quality but also adversely affects supply path optimization. This misallocation leads to a significant waste of advertiser media spend, which could otherwise be invested in more valuable inventory. With that said, it’s critical for buyers to work with trusted partners who can protect them from delivering on MFA supply—ensuring ads are placed in premium inventory that aligns with and supports the advertiser’s brand values, integrity, and marketing objectives.” 

In recent months, industry trade organizations have sought to fix some of the problems created by MFAs. First, there has been a concerted effort to establish criteria to identify MFA sites, acknowledging their detrimental impact on the digital advertising ecosystem. According to AdExchanger, the 4A’s working groups have suggested, “instead of labeling any site that buys traffic or has an above-average ad load as MFA, the group is urging the industry to focus on publishers that deliberately game programmatic monetization through ad arbitrage.” 

To maintain the integrity of digital advertising, more transparency and industry-wide collaboration is needed.  

Why Aperture MX Says ‘No’ to All MFA Sites 

Aperture MX does not allow MFA sites within our inventory, period. We ensure that buyers’ ad dollars are protected when accessing our marketplace by only offering premium inventory. Aperture MX is proud to be aggressively transparent and extremely selective with the type of publisher supply we provide – MFA sites are not allowed within our marketplace by default.  

In addition to our proprietary vetting process, we leverage the Jounce methodology and classification for MFA sites. So, if Jounce classifies a site as an MFA, we do not include the inventory within our marketplace. As a Jounce partner, we can validate that we do not run media on sites based on their classification. 

Notable features of Aperture MX include holistic audience planning, media activation, campaign analytics, enhanced brand safety, and direct publisher connections. 

  • Activate true, omnichannel advertising across cable, broadcast, OTT/CTV, FAST (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV) channels, and digital extension, like display and online video (OLV). 
  • Avoid mystery inventory from unsuitable publishers by buying inventory procured through our direct relationships with premium publishers.  
  • Optimize supply path by directly connecting to carefully vetted publishers – including no resellers – and increase ROI by adjusting ad spend toward performant inventory that aligns with brand goals. 

Ready to learn how Aperture MX can support your digital and CTV campaigns?  

Unlocking the Power of Publisher First-Party Data Mon, 26 Feb 2024 22:01:24 +0000 In today’s advertising ecosystem, one of the most powerful yet often overlooked assets for TV publishers is their first-party data. It has become increasingly important for publishers to better collect, secure, and leverage first-party data to prepare for the next phase of digital evolution. However, not all data is created equal – especially when it […]]]>

In today’s advertising ecosystem, one of the most powerful yet often overlooked assets for TV publishers is their first-party data. It has become increasingly important for publishers to better collect, secure, and leverage first-party data to prepare for the next phase of digital evolution. However, not all data is created equal – especially when it comes to the first-party data that publishers possess. From publisher to publisher, there are huge discrepancies between what first-party data they collect. Ultimately, Cadent has found that understanding and leveraging this data can be a game changer for publishers.  

An Evolving First-Party Data Landscape 

The data privacy regulation landscape continues to evolve, making the direct relationship between publishers and their audiences even more valuable. While much attention is rightfully paid to the value of brand and agency data, the significance of publisher first-party data cannot be overstated. It offers a unique opportunity for publishers to deepen their understanding of their audience, enhance the effectiveness of their advertising, and drive consumer engagement and loyalty. 

The landscape of publisher first-party data is diverse and dynamic. Some publishers have already embraced robust strategies, where consumers willingly opt in, data is meticulously collected, stored, and analyzed, and privacy regulations are strictly adhered to. These publishers leverage sophisticated analytics tools to derive actionable insights, construct comprehensive audience profiles, and enhance the effectiveness of ad targeting and measurement efforts. Furthermore, they employ audience extension techniques to broaden their reach and create highly personalized experiences, fostering stronger connections with consumers. 

The Missed Opportunity 

Still, not all publishers have tapped into this potential. Many miss out on the opportunity to monetize their audiences effectively due to inadequate data strategies and technological limitations. They face challenges ranging from inflexible ad tech stacks to data loss and inadequate consumer notification procedures. Despite recognizing the value of first-party data, these publishers struggle to realize their full potential, hindered by resource constraints and technical barriers.  

For most publishers, the reality lies somewhere in between. They acknowledge the importance of first-party data but grapple with implementation complexities and operational constraints. This is particularly evident for CTV publishers, which encounter unique challenges that are distinct from those faced by traditional TV networks or vMVPDs.  

Nevertheless, the direct relationship between publishers and consumers remains an invaluable asset in an era marked by evolving privacy regulations and heightened expectations for personalized experiences. As third-party data faces increasing scrutiny and limitations, publishers must seize the opportunity to leverage their first-party data to its fullest extent. 

A Path Forward  

To maximize the value of publisher first-party data, publishers should seek out tech stack partners offering flexible solutions tailored to their specific needs. These solutions should facilitate seamless data collection, analysis, and activation while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and consumer preferences. By investing in the right tools and strategies, publishers can unlock the full potential of their first-party data, driving greater monetization opportunities and enhancing audience engagement and loyalty. 

Aperture Viewer Graph, Cadent’s AI-driven identity graph, achieves outstanding match rates across diverse identifiers such as home addresses, emails, CTV IDs, and IP addresses. It connects TV ad exposure on any device to the household, eliminating waste and enabling closed-loop measurement, with over 125M households reached.  

Publishers can upload their first-party data in minutes, match it with Viewer Graph, and precisely target high-value audiences in a privacy-safe manner – all without relying on cookies. The always-on, always-learning proprietary model ensures devices are correctly mapped and provides a reliable foundation for data-driven activation.  

Viewer Graph allows you to connect with your target audiences, turning data-driven strategy into data-driven activation. As a publisher, Viewer Graph allows you to better support your advertiser customers by optimizing ad campaigns and increasing your monetization potential.    

Next Steps 

The value of publisher first-party data cannot be overstated in today’s digital landscape. By harnessing the power of this valuable asset, publishers can not only better serve advertisers but also cultivate deeper connections with their audiences, driving sustained growth and competitiveness in an increasingly digital world. By prioritizing data privacy compliance, investing in robust data infrastructure, and forging strategic partnerships with companies like Cadent, publishers can unlock the full potential of their first-party data and thrive in an increasingly competitive market. 

Find out how Aperture Viewer Graph can help you increase audience engagement and maximize monetization.

How to Reach Your Target Audience – Without Cookies Fri, 05 Jan 2024 20:41:36 +0000 With the disabling of the cookie on Google Chrome, advertisers must find new ways to target audiences and measure campaign performance. ]]>

As we embark on a new year, digital advertisers are faced with a seismic shift – the long-anticipated (or perhaps, dreaded) death of the cookie. Google’s announcement in 2020 set the stage for the gradual phasing out of third-party cookies, and now, the depreciation of the cookie is finally a reality. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history behind this change, what it means for advertisers, and how you can continue to succeed in a cookieless digital ecosystem. 

A Brief History of Cookie Depreciation 

The journey to a cookieless era began in January 2020 when Google revealed plans to phase out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. However, the timeline faced several delays. In June 2021, Google pushed back the deadline from 2022 to 2023, citing the need for more testing in its Privacy Sandbox initiative. By late 2023, it became clear – the cookie was on borrowed time. 

Google developers confirmed just a few weeks ago that Chrome would disable third-party cookies for 1% of users from January 4, 2024, gradually increasing to 100% by Q3 2024. The Privacy Sandbox and disabling of cookies aim to enhance consumer privacy but pose challenges for advertisers relying on cookies for targeted advertising and ad platforms that use cookies to generate revenue. 

What This Means for Your Business 

With cookies disabled, marketers lose access to valuable Chrome website data. This impedes their ability to track consumers’ real-time digital footprints for precise audience targeting and detailed campaign reporting. Marketers will no longer be able to report on campaign effectiveness with the granularity to which they have become accustomed. Yet despite these challenges, innovative advertisers are finding alternative solutions. While some are collecting and using first-party data, others are finding targeting and measurement methods that work without relying on cookies. 

How You Can Prepare 

Cadent has been proactive in preparing for the cookieless future since 2020. Our Aperture Viewer Graph, powered by multiple household identifiers, serves as a robust alternative to cookie-dependent signals. Aperture Viewer Graph is used for data onboarding, audience management, audience-based activation, and advanced measurement within Aperture Platform. 

Rather than relying on cookies, Cadent leverages +40 billion daily signals in addition to both deterministic and probabilistic data sets, covering areas such as truth set, postal address resolution, geolocation, and more. These sources are ultimately resolved to the household, which enables Aperture Viewer Graph to run without cookies and support accurate household resolution across a variety of identifiers. This patented model for associating identifiers to households is always-on, always-learning, and always validating that devices are mapped to the correct households.  

Since 2020, Cadent’s TV-first approach to identity has shielded our advertiser customers from the cookie dilemma. While hashed email becomes more prominent, Cadent recognizes the need for privacy-safe, device-level signals as consumer habits shift to CTV (Connected TV) and mobile devices.  

Next Steps 

Going forward, as audiences increase their consumption of CTV, digital, and mobile media, there will be an increased need for privacy-safe, device-level signals. Advertisers will require consistent and accurate linkage between IP, Device IDs, and households to support outcome-based measurement and improved frequency capping for cross-channel campaigns. 

In the evolving digital landscape, the demise of cookies is a catalyst for innovation. Aperture Viewer Graph exemplifies our future-thinking approach to advertising, embracing the cookieless era. As the advertising ecosystem continues to transform, advertisers must adapt to stay ahead. Ultimately, the cookie may have crumbled, but opportunities for strategic adaptation are boundless. 

Get in touch today to learn more about Aperture Viewer Graph and how Cadent can support your advertising initiatives. 

Jägermeister Brings the Holiday Spirit with CTV and In-Store Ads Fri, 17 Nov 2023 18:18:22 +0000 Learn how Jägermeister leveraged CTV and in-store promotions to drive sales during the holiday gifting season.]]>

‘Tis the season to be festive and what better than a cocktail to get in the holiday spirit? The alcoholic beverage market is a competitive space, demanding that brands implement a precise media strategy to reach their target audience. According to eMarketer, alcohol retail sales will reach $178.2B with growth driven by an increase in e-commerce sales, and customers willing to splurge on premium beverages to capitalize on at-home consumption, over restaurants and bars. 

To stay top of mind with shoppers, alcoholic beverage brands must leverage media solutions that engage audiences on the path to purchase and at the point of purchase. In recent years, Connected TV (CTV) has emerged as an innovative solution for reaching potential customers across a wide range of demographics and behavioral attributes. Yet many advertisers struggle to make the most of this complex channel. Fortunately, Cadent and Catalina have developed a solution for marketers in the food and beverage category.  

Jägermeister’s Challenge 

As a nearly century-old brand, Jägermeister has found ways to constantly reinvent itself. In the lead up to the gift-giving holiday season, the brand wanted to drive volume and trial among new 21-year-olds. Jägermeister wanted to test the impact of combining CTV with in-store promotions. Ads focused specifically on their 750 ml bottles.  

• Lift sales
• Increase customer acquisition
• Improve campaign efficiency

The Solution 

Partnering with Cadent and Catalina, Jägermeister was able to strategically target the audiences that were most likely to try their product.

The Plan 

Leveraging Catalina’s real-time purchase insights and behavioral shopping data, the campaign identified current and lapsed buyers of the brand’s 750 ml bottles. The custom-built audience was targeted via addressable CTV through Cadent Aperture Platform, using Jägermeister’s equity ad campaign, Meister the Moment™. Audiences were then followed up by being served with an in-store trial offer, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The Results 

Through CTV ad impressions, the multi-channel campaign was able to engage audiences from awareness to trial.  

By The Numbers 
• 4M Impressions
• 53% Overall Sales Lift  
• 59% CTV Sales Lift 
• $2.34 Blended ROAS  

This strategic activation drove a $2.34 blended ROAS, an impressive 53% lift in overall sales and 59% sales lift attributed to CTV impressions.

Next Steps 

Want to learn more about how Cadent and Catalina partnered for Jägermeister’s data-driven CTV advertising campaign?

3 Key Takeaways from Advertising Week 2023 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 18:28:31 +0000 Here are the three key takeaways from Advertising Week New York 2023 from programmatic CTV to performance]]>

Advertising Week New York took over the newly named “Penn District” last week. This year, conversations focused on retail media, AI, and data. In addition to a packed schedule of panels and presentations, attendees could experience the latest Netflix shows with a claw game and record shop, check out Google’s Formula 1 race car, or enjoy a full slate of special programming in Female Quotient’s Equality Lounge. While many sessions discussed the obstacles advertisers face in an uncertain market, others spoke optimistically about the future of the industry and what innovations are on the horizon.  

In case you missed it, here are the three key takeaways from Advertising Week.  

1. Programmatic CTV is Driving the Industry Forward 

TV advertising has evolved from a channel best suited for upper funnel awareness to a lower funnel marketing tactic able to generate measurable sales lift. By measuring campaigns against strategic business outcomes, advertisers can now understand how their CTV efforts are driving sales and other KPIs.  

“If you think about CTV pre-pandemic, [advertisers] were not applying a lot of data to their buys, either due to scale issues or the increased cost of data CPM on the media CPM, so from a data standpoint, it was still early days of data for CTV. Now we see a spike where it’s a very rich data media tactic to use,” said Conor Burgess, VP, Business Development at Acxiom. 

The combination of better audience inputs and reporting outputs has made CTV an exceedingly valuable channel for marketers.  

2. It’s Time to Refine Your Data Strategy 

More data is available to advertisers than ever before, but it’s not just a matter of having data – you must be able to activate your data across channels.  

Diana Haussling, SVP – GM, Consumer Experience & Growth at Colgate-Palmolive, explained, “You need a well-rounded data set to allow you to know if what you’re doing is working or not… you really have to play around with the mix itself of your different media levers.” 

Maureen Bosetti, Chief Investment Officer at Initiative, echoed this sentiment saying, “If we don’t get better data to help inform, ‘what is that right level of optimization we’re doing across TV, OTT, CTV, social video, digital video?’ We can’t look at CTV in isolation from all these other touchpoints.” She elaborated saying, “We need the right data feeds […] to make informed decisions in terms of how much we should be investing in those channels.”  

Maureen emphasized the importance of getting your data strategy right ‘upstream’ in the planning process, you cannot successfully execute cross-screen campaigns. 

Effective omnichannel marketing will rely on implementing a holistic data strategy.  

Learn about Aperture Dashboard and Measurement Marketplace, Cadent’s advanced reporting tools. 

3. Proof of Performance is Table Stakes 

Macroeconomic challenges persist, pushing C-suite brand executives to expect quantifiable accountability on all their media investments. 

“All media should perform, hard stop. It shouldn’t be brand versus performance. It’s a matter of selecting the right KPIs in those moments,” said Vinny Rinaldi, US Head of Media at The Hershey Company. 

Adam Davis, Senior Marketing Manager at Magnolia Bakery described how CTV has become a performance tactic, rather than just an awareness play for the brand. 

“A lot of people in the industry have these thoughts that a certain tactic is tied to a certain objective and only that objective. Two and half years ago if you had asked me, I would have said video – upper funnel, rich media – mid-funnel, Facebook ads, and Google ads – low funnel. That’s full-funnel advertising. Excellence in CTV now hits across all three of those stages in the story,” Adam explained. So, with the right solutions in place, Magnolia is able to track performance down to the order level, directly connecting an order to a CTV exposure. 

Yet while measurement has become a necessity, several measurement challenges remain in our deeply fragmented industry. First and foremost, the debate over currency.  “If you do not have alignment on currency, it becomes difficult to measure anything,” shared Chris Martinez, OTT, Director of Sales at Hearst Television. 

As demand for improved measurement increases, it is up to technology vendors and data providers to work together to develop innovative solutions.  

Interested in learning more about Cadent’s converged TV advertising capabilities?    


Stuffed Puffs Toasts to 58% Lift in Sales With Strategic CTV Tue, 10 Oct 2023 13:50:47 +0000 Learn how Stuffed Puffs activated data-driven CTV to boost sales and increase awareness.]]>

As we approach Halloween, store shelves are being wiped clean of seasonal décor, costumes, candy, and snacks. CPG brands, to keep up with demand, must find new and innovative ways to lean into autumn with festive treats in flavors like pumpkin spice, apple cider, and toasted marshmallow. In fact, the latest research from the National Retail Federation found: 

  • Halloween spending in 2023 is expected to reach a record $12.2 billion, exceeding last year’s record of $10.6 billion  
  • Consumers anticipate spending $108.24 per person 
  • 73% of consumers plan to celebrate Halloween this year, up from 69% last year and 68% in 2019 

So, to stand out from the crowd, CPG brands are not only developing new products but also reconsidering their media mix to reach shoppers – across screens and devices – throughout the customer journey.  

Connected TV (CTV), as one of the fastest-growing channels, has emerged as an innovative way to engage consumers. However, many advertisers have struggled to make the most of this impactful marketing tool. Enter Cadent and Catalina.  

Stuffed Puffs’ Challenge 

Launched in 2012, Stuffed Puffs are the invention of founder Michael Tierney in response to the difficulty of melting chocolate to create the perfect s’more. Since then, the brand has gone on to develop a variety of flavors beyond the classic milk chocolate-filled marshmallow, including Monster Marsh, which features green marshmallows filled with chocolate and covered in sprinkles. For this campaign, Stuffed Puffs and their media agency Junction 37 wanted to get the word out about its product to drive trial and keep their brand top of mind. 

• Increase customer acquisition
• Lift brand awareness and sales
• Improve campaign efficiency

The Solution 

Partnering with Cadent and Catalina, Stuffed Puffs was able to use CTV for lower-funnel activities like driving trial generation and repeat purchases. 

The Plan 

Together, Cadent and Catalina implemented a CTV campaign using Catalina’s Purchase-Based targeting through Cadent Aperture Platform to pinpoint Marshmallow & Smores Buyers who had never purchased the brand before, as well as their current competitive and lapsed buyers. CTV ads were then targeted to this unique audience by mapping this audience to CTV households with Aperture Viewer Graph. Catalina’s Multi-Touch Attribution measurement was used throughout the campaign to make in-flight tweaks to optimize at the audience level.  

The Results 

Through CTV ad impressions, the campaign was able to deliver results higher than benchmarked expectations – due in large part to purchase-based targeting at the household level and the ability to optimize in-flight.  

By The Numbers 
• $0.66 Incremental ROAS  
• 58% Sales Lift 
• 75% Buyers New to Brand  

This strategic activation drove a $0.66 incremental ROAS and an impressive 58% lift in sales. Additionally, 75% of buyers were new to the brand.  

Next Steps 

Want to learn more about how Cadent and Catalina partnered for Stuffed Puffs’ data-driven CTV advertising campaign?  

Hispanic Heritage Month at Cadent: Stephanie Hernandez Fri, 06 Oct 2023 20:16:33 +0000 Stephanie Hernandez, an Associate Media Buyer, has been with Cadent since January of this year. Growing up in Westchester County, Stephanie later received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Bridgeport. Prior to working at Cadent, Stephanie held positions at ICON International, Inc. And Canadian Media Sales.    To learn more about Stephanie, check out […]]]>

Stephanie Hernandez, an Associate Media Buyer, has been with Cadent since January of this year. Growing up in Westchester County, Stephanie later received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Bridgeport. Prior to working at Cadent, Stephanie held positions at ICON International, Inc. And Canadian Media Sales.   

To learn more about Stephanie, check out our Q&A below.   

Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15th to October 15th and serves as a month to celebrate the history and diversity of Hispanic cultures. It invites us to remember all the contributions Hispanic, Latina/o/e/x, and Afro-Latina/o/e/x people made in the past and will continue to make in the future. This year’s theme, “Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation,” encourages us to ensure that all voices are represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation.   

This month at Cadent, we spoke with some of our Hispanic, Latinx, and Afro-Latinx colleagues to learn more about who they are, their experiences in and out of the workplace, and what Hispanic Heritage Month means to them. 

Tell us about your role at Cadent. 

I’m currently an Associate Media Buyer for the Broadcast Department. My role is to construct TV media buys and send schedules to stations. 

What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you? 

It’s a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the Latino and Hispanic American communities.  

Where can we find you when you’re not at work?   

I’m either at the movie theater watching the latest film that came out or spending time at home with my husband and dog! 

Are there any mentors or experiences that have shaped you – either professionally or personally? 

Dr. A was the chair president of the Mass Communications department in my college. He always pushed me to be the best version of myself. 

What do you feel helps to foster a culture of inclusion? How have you seen those behaviors and practices successfully put into action?    

I feel that food is the perfect example because we use food to celebrate and for comfort. Different foods evoke memories and emotions. Food can bring people together, in a community and also in the workplace. 

Do you have any favorite movies, books, music, or other cultural inspirations from Hispanic creators? 

One Disney movie that I relate to is Coco. It speaks to my Mexican heritage and the traditions that we follow. 

What advice would you give to a younger colleague or a younger version of yourself? 

There’s a solution to every problem, try your best not to stress, and enjoy the moment! 

Learn more about life at Cadent and see available roles on our Careers page. 

Hispanic Heritage Month at Cadent: Samuel Castillo Fri, 22 Sep 2023 20:06:38 +0000 Samuel Castillo, a Media Assistant on the Media Buying team, has been with Cadent since August 2022. Born in the Dominican Republic and raised in New York City, Samuel attended NYU, receiving his BA in History. Prior to working at Cadent, Samuel spent several years working in art galleries, where he gained firsthand in marketing […]]]>

Samuel Castillo, a Media Assistant on the Media Buying team, has been with Cadent since August 2022. Born in the Dominican Republic and raised in New York City, Samuel attended NYU, receiving his BA in History. Prior to working at Cadent, Samuel spent several years working in art galleries, where he gained firsthand in marketing and business operations. To learn more about Samuel, check out our Q&A below.   

Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15th to October 15th and serves as a month to celebrate the history and diversity of Hispanic cultures. It invites us to remember all the contributions Hispanic, Latina/o/e/x, and Afro-Latina/o/e/x people made in the past and will continue to make in the future. This year’s theme, “Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation,” encourages us to ensure that all voices are represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation.   

This month at Cadent, we spoke with some of our Hispanic, Latinx, and Afro-Latinx colleagues to learn more about who they are, their experiences in and out of the workplace, and what Hispanic Heritage Month means to them. 

Tell us about your role at Cadent. 

As a Media Assistant, I assist Media Buyers in the scheduling and management of client orders and accounts. Eventually, I’ll grow into the role of a Buyer and handle my own accounts! 

What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you? 

I appreciate how Hispanic Heritage Month enables people from different Hispanic and Latin cultures to celebrate their unique traits and values while connecting over unifiers such as language and food. 

Where can we find you when you’re not at work?   

Chowing down on a bowl of ramen downtown or shopping around St. Marks Place.  

What do you feel helps to foster a culture of inclusion? How have you seen those behaviors and practices successfully put into action?    

In my opinion, transparency and acknowledgment. It is important to communicate changes and what they mean for everyone, whether the situation is good or bad. 

Do you have any favorite movies, books, music, or other cultural inspirations from Hispanic creators? 

Junot Diaz was an important author during my formative years. Books like “Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao,” and “This is How You Lose Her,” helped me understand how to find balance between two cultures as an immigrant in the U.S. – by just being myself. 

What advice would you give to a younger colleague or a younger version of yourself? 

Ask questions and embrace the joy of learning and growing! 

Learn more about life at Cadent and see available roles on our Careers page. 

Hispanic Heritage Month at Cadent: Allison Coston Fri, 15 Sep 2023 18:00:59 +0000 Allison Coston, a Senior Manager for Product Innovations, joined Cadent in March of this year. Growing up in Massachusetts, Allison attended Fitchburg State University and later earned her MBA in Information Systems at Fordham University. Prior to working at Cadent, Allison worked at AdTheorent as a product manager. Allison also served in the US Navy, […]]]>

Allison Coston, a Senior Manager for Product Innovations, joined Cadent in March of this year. Growing up in Massachusetts, Allison attended Fitchburg State University and later earned her MBA in Information Systems at Fordham University. Prior to working at Cadent, Allison worked at AdTheorent as a product manager. Allison also served in the US Navy, specializing in ships’ radar, navigation, and communications equipment. To learn more about Allison, check out our Q&A below.   

Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15th to October 15th and serves as a month to celebrate the history and diversity of Hispanic cultures. It invites us to remember all the contributions Hispanic, Latina/o/e/x, and Afro-Latina/o/e/x people made in the past and will continue to make in the future. This year’s theme, “Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation,” encourages us to ensure that all voices are represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation.   

This month at Cadent, we spoke with some of our Hispanic, Latinx, and Afro-Latinx colleagues to learn more about who they are, their experiences in and out of the workplace, and what Hispanic Heritage Month means to them. 

Tell us about your role at Cadent. 

In my current role, I get to work across many teams such as with Sales, Marketing, and Product. Getting to collaborate with colleagues during the Product development Lifecycle keeps me excited and engaged at work. Working on go-to-market plans, client onboarding, and analysis of product usage are some of the highlights that keep my days interesting. 

What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you? 

I appreciate Hispanic Heritage Month because it dedicates time to celebrating, sharing, and learning more about different Hispanic cultures and traditions. There are more than 20 Latin American countries that have rich and diverse histories to explore. 

Where can we find you when you’re not at work?   

I love getting outside and being active! In the summer you can find me kayaking, biking, or hanging at the beach. In the winter, I’ll be in the mountains as often as time allows. I’m also a foodie who loves trying new restaurants and sharing a good meal with friends and family. 

Are there any mentors or experiences that have shaped you – either professionally or personally? 

Over the years, I have greatly benefited from formal and informal mentorship. I am always inspired by people who are authentic and true to their words. Honest leaders with a strong vision and willingness to support their teams are qualities I value in my mentors. A good sense of humor also goes a long way. 

What do you feel helps to foster a culture of inclusion? How have you seen those behaviors and practices successfully put into action?    

Being in a workplace that values and celebrates the contributions of its employees is important. Additionally, I think it’s crucial for organizations to create space for their members to have opportunities to be open, curious, and learn from peers who have different backgrounds and perspectives than their own. Cadent’s ERGs are a great place to see these values implemented. 

Do you have any favorite movies, books, music, or other cultural inspirations from Hispanic creators? 

There are so many talented Hispanic creators, that it’s hard to choose! Some of my favorite artists are Victoria Villasana (@villanaart) and José Parlá (@joseparla). I also love listening to Bachata and dancing to Salsa music — it’s nearly impossible to not have a great time! 

What advice would you give to a younger colleague or a younger version of yourself? 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you need help or support, be open to receiving constructive feedback, and seek mentorship from people who inspire you. 

Learn more about life at Cadent and see available roles on our Careers page. 

Make the Most of Measurement: In the Battle Over Currency, Don’t Lose Sight of Outcome Wed, 13 Sep 2023 17:54:06 +0000 Learn how to optimize and improve your data-driven TV campaigns based on the outcomes that are most important to your business.]]>

When a CMO sits down with their C-suite colleagues at the end of each month, the first question isn’t, “On what currency did we transact our media against?” The CEOs and CFOs of brands are looking to understand how their marketing investment drove sales – the details surrounding currency methodology are secondary. 

On a recent panel of the Joint Industry Committee, a comment was made that right now, 90% of effort and ad spend is focused on currency and counting, with only 10% going to outcomes and sales lift. While the innovation in the currency space is significant, smart buyers and sellers are simultaneously building pipes, people, and processes around another key development in TV – the ability to track more precise outcome-based measurement. As the tactics and methods from digital are bleeding into TV, so are the precise targeting and measurement solutions. 

Advertisers now can understand both household reach and frequency, as well as how their TV dollars are driving incremental foot traffic, automotive sales, and in-store sales lift, among other KPIs. Brand marketers can precisely understand what TV spend is driving cash register sales, and how to best optimize and improve efficiencies against the outcomes that are most important to their business.  

Key Terminology 

Before we go too far down one path, we feel it’s important to clarify the differences between measurement currency and business outcome-based measurement.  

  • Measurement Currency: Currency is the financial unit of value for buying and selling TV ads based on measurement data. (AdExchanger
  • Business Outcome-Based Measurement: Outcome-driven metrics are measures of operational and business outcomes that provide a direct line of sight back to the outcomes on which they depend, and with outcomes that are dependent on them. (Gartner

Measure Campaign Performance Against KPIs 

Cadent unveiled measurement marketplace, a feature of Aperture Audience Studio, earlier this year to power outcome-based measurement solutions and support better currency performance.  The solution was designed in direct response to industry feedback that measurement has become too complex – – causing operational burdens and leading to choice paralysis. With more data than ever and various options for systems and partners, the TV measurement landscape is challenging to navigate. It adds complexity to proof of performance, optimization, and cross-screen measurement processes.  

“CTV measurement has come a long way in just a few short years. We, along with partners like Cadent, are investing in advanced measurement capabilities to enable advertisers to delve deeply into measuring outcomes. From tracking website visits to connecting CTV viewership with sales with our Sales Conversion Attribution solution, we’re helping advertisers to truly understand the ROI of each impression in their campaign,” said Dave Marquard, Head of Product at Premion. 

Since launching measurement marketplace, there have been a few critical learnings for marketers:  

  • Determine if outcome-based measurement will be used – well before the campaign starts 
  • Align the audience targeting strategy with measurement goals 
  • Use the same graph solution for both targeting and measurement to increase data fidelity 
  • Create test and control groups pre-campaign 
  • Engage with the measurement providers early and often about feasibility and deliverables  

TV marketers are improving their ability to understand and optimize against key business outcomes, leaving behind competitors who aren’t innovating. Smart TV networks, distributions, broadcasters, and OTT publishers, are doing the same, offering up smarter TV solutions and winning more marketing dollars from competitors with precise measurement solutions.   

“Affinity is seeing more advertisers shift to outcome-based measurement in Advanced TV, making their TV dollars more efficient, and accountable said Ken Barbieri, SVP, Business Development. “We expect that growth to continue, as smarter marketers realize the potential”.   

Currency and outcomes-based measurement go hand in hand, and the winners in the market will be savvy buyers and sellers who are building up tech stacks around both now.   

Learn more about the measurement partners available through Aperture Platform.
