Find your Audience Archives | Cadent Cadent - Advanced TV advertising solutions Tue, 16 Apr 2024 16:08:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Find your Audience Archives | Cadent 32 32 Cadent and Stirista Partner to Make it Easier for Marketers to Target Across Linear, Addressable, Digital and CTV Tue, 16 Apr 2024 16:08:22 +0000 Partnership Strengthens Best In-Class Audience Targeting and Measurement Solutions for Marketers in Cookie-less Future

NEW YORK AND SAN ANTONIO, April 16, 2024 — Cadent, the largest independent solutions provider for converged TV advertising, today announced a partnership with Stirista, the leading provider of data-driven marketing solutions. The agreement combines the power of Cadent Aperture Platform, the company’s end-to-end advanced TV platform, with Stirista’s holistic identity-driven marketing solutions to provide brand marketers with access to a broad range of data insights, including demographic, lifestyle, purchase intent and B2B audiences. As part of the partnership, Cadent will integrate Stirista’s audience data into its data marketplace to allow targeting across linear, addressable, digital and CTV.

“Cadent is excited to partner with Stirista to provide marketers with the right data on the right path with the right insights – combined with both companies’ best-in-class audience targeting and measurement solutions,” said Jason Attanasio, VP, Business Development at Cadent. “Similar to Stirista, Cadent has never relied on cookies. As the industry continues to move towards a cookie-less future, both our companies are at the forefront of this movement. We’re here to help marketers connect with consumers, especially as they continue to diversify how and where they consume content, resulting in a real need in the market to streamline the buying and selling of TV, video, and digital media.”

“Cadent is excited to partner with Stirista to provide marketers with the right data on the right path with the right insights – combined with both companies’ best-in-class audience targeting and measurement solutions” -Cadent VP of Business Development Jason AttanasioPost this

Added Stirista Senior Director of Media Sales Steve Karas, “Our goal is to help our customers harness their 1st party data and create actionable insights and strategies, which can be activated across email, digital and CTV. By joining forces with Cadent, we’re excited to offer another avenue in providing our customers with actionable insights and omnichannel marketing solutions that help increase brand loyalty and to acquire new customers.”

About Cadent
Cadent connects the TV advertising ecosystem. We help advertisers and publishers identify and understand audiences, activate campaigns, and measure what matters – across any TV content or device. Aperture, our converged TV platform, simplifies cross-screen advertising through a streamlined workflow that brings together identity, data, and inventory with hundreds of integrated partners. For more information, visit

About Stirista
Stirista is a data-driven marketing technology provider that combines the power of authoritative identity data with the execution of omnichannel marketing. Through its data and customer-centric approach, Stirista is helping Fortune 500 and mid-market brands increase brand loyalty and acquire new customers. Stirista’s privacy compliant data insights helps clients interact with customers and prospects via digital, email and social channels. For more information, please visit

Media Contacts:

Jennifer Qotb
Young & Associates PR for Stirista

Rachel Jermansky
Daddi Brand Communications for Cadent

Unlocking the Power of Publisher First-Party Data Mon, 26 Feb 2024 22:01:24 +0000 In today’s advertising ecosystem, one of the most powerful yet often overlooked assets for TV publishers is their first-party data. It has become increasingly important for publishers to better collect, secure, and leverage first-party data to prepare for the next phase of digital evolution. However, not all data is created equal – especially when it […]]]>

In today’s advertising ecosystem, one of the most powerful yet often overlooked assets for TV publishers is their first-party data. It has become increasingly important for publishers to better collect, secure, and leverage first-party data to prepare for the next phase of digital evolution. However, not all data is created equal – especially when it comes to the first-party data that publishers possess. From publisher to publisher, there are huge discrepancies between what first-party data they collect. Ultimately, Cadent has found that understanding and leveraging this data can be a game changer for publishers.  

An Evolving First-Party Data Landscape 

The data privacy regulation landscape continues to evolve, making the direct relationship between publishers and their audiences even more valuable. While much attention is rightfully paid to the value of brand and agency data, the significance of publisher first-party data cannot be overstated. It offers a unique opportunity for publishers to deepen their understanding of their audience, enhance the effectiveness of their advertising, and drive consumer engagement and loyalty. 

The landscape of publisher first-party data is diverse and dynamic. Some publishers have already embraced robust strategies, where consumers willingly opt in, data is meticulously collected, stored, and analyzed, and privacy regulations are strictly adhered to. These publishers leverage sophisticated analytics tools to derive actionable insights, construct comprehensive audience profiles, and enhance the effectiveness of ad targeting and measurement efforts. Furthermore, they employ audience extension techniques to broaden their reach and create highly personalized experiences, fostering stronger connections with consumers. 

The Missed Opportunity 

Still, not all publishers have tapped into this potential. Many miss out on the opportunity to monetize their audiences effectively due to inadequate data strategies and technological limitations. They face challenges ranging from inflexible ad tech stacks to data loss and inadequate consumer notification procedures. Despite recognizing the value of first-party data, these publishers struggle to realize their full potential, hindered by resource constraints and technical barriers.  

For most publishers, the reality lies somewhere in between. They acknowledge the importance of first-party data but grapple with implementation complexities and operational constraints. This is particularly evident for CTV publishers, which encounter unique challenges that are distinct from those faced by traditional TV networks or vMVPDs.  

Nevertheless, the direct relationship between publishers and consumers remains an invaluable asset in an era marked by evolving privacy regulations and heightened expectations for personalized experiences. As third-party data faces increasing scrutiny and limitations, publishers must seize the opportunity to leverage their first-party data to its fullest extent. 

A Path Forward  

To maximize the value of publisher first-party data, publishers should seek out tech stack partners offering flexible solutions tailored to their specific needs. These solutions should facilitate seamless data collection, analysis, and activation while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and consumer preferences. By investing in the right tools and strategies, publishers can unlock the full potential of their first-party data, driving greater monetization opportunities and enhancing audience engagement and loyalty. 

Aperture Viewer Graph, Cadent’s AI-driven identity graph, achieves outstanding match rates across diverse identifiers such as home addresses, emails, CTV IDs, and IP addresses. It connects TV ad exposure on any device to the household, eliminating waste and enabling closed-loop measurement, with over 125M households reached.  

Publishers can upload their first-party data in minutes, match it with Viewer Graph, and precisely target high-value audiences in a privacy-safe manner – all without relying on cookies. The always-on, always-learning proprietary model ensures devices are correctly mapped and provides a reliable foundation for data-driven activation.  

Viewer Graph allows you to connect with your target audiences, turning data-driven strategy into data-driven activation. As a publisher, Viewer Graph allows you to better support your advertiser customers by optimizing ad campaigns and increasing your monetization potential.    

Next Steps 

The value of publisher first-party data cannot be overstated in today’s digital landscape. By harnessing the power of this valuable asset, publishers can not only better serve advertisers but also cultivate deeper connections with their audiences, driving sustained growth and competitiveness in an increasingly digital world. By prioritizing data privacy compliance, investing in robust data infrastructure, and forging strategic partnerships with companies like Cadent, publishers can unlock the full potential of their first-party data and thrive in an increasingly competitive market. 

Find out how Aperture Viewer Graph can help you increase audience engagement and maximize monetization.

How to Reach Your Target Audience – Without Cookies Fri, 05 Jan 2024 20:41:36 +0000 With the disabling of the cookie on Google Chrome, advertisers must find new ways to target audiences and measure campaign performance. ]]>

As we embark on a new year, digital advertisers are faced with a seismic shift – the long-anticipated (or perhaps, dreaded) death of the cookie. Google’s announcement in 2020 set the stage for the gradual phasing out of third-party cookies, and now, the depreciation of the cookie is finally a reality. In this blog post, we’ll explore the history behind this change, what it means for advertisers, and how you can continue to succeed in a cookieless digital ecosystem. 

A Brief History of Cookie Depreciation 

The journey to a cookieless era began in January 2020 when Google revealed plans to phase out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. However, the timeline faced several delays. In June 2021, Google pushed back the deadline from 2022 to 2023, citing the need for more testing in its Privacy Sandbox initiative. By late 2023, it became clear – the cookie was on borrowed time. 

Google developers confirmed just a few weeks ago that Chrome would disable third-party cookies for 1% of users from January 4, 2024, gradually increasing to 100% by Q3 2024. The Privacy Sandbox and disabling of cookies aim to enhance consumer privacy but pose challenges for advertisers relying on cookies for targeted advertising and ad platforms that use cookies to generate revenue. 

What This Means for Your Business 

With cookies disabled, marketers lose access to valuable Chrome website data. This impedes their ability to track consumers’ real-time digital footprints for precise audience targeting and detailed campaign reporting. Marketers will no longer be able to report on campaign effectiveness with the granularity to which they have become accustomed. Yet despite these challenges, innovative advertisers are finding alternative solutions. While some are collecting and using first-party data, others are finding targeting and measurement methods that work without relying on cookies. 

How You Can Prepare 

Cadent has been proactive in preparing for the cookieless future since 2020. Our Aperture Viewer Graph, powered by multiple household identifiers, serves as a robust alternative to cookie-dependent signals. Aperture Viewer Graph is used for data onboarding, audience management, audience-based activation, and advanced measurement within Aperture Platform. 

Rather than relying on cookies, Cadent leverages +40 billion daily signals in addition to both deterministic and probabilistic data sets, covering areas such as truth set, postal address resolution, geolocation, and more. These sources are ultimately resolved to the household, which enables Aperture Viewer Graph to run without cookies and support accurate household resolution across a variety of identifiers. This patented model for associating identifiers to households is always-on, always-learning, and always validating that devices are mapped to the correct households.  

Since 2020, Cadent’s TV-first approach to identity has shielded our advertiser customers from the cookie dilemma. While hashed email becomes more prominent, Cadent recognizes the need for privacy-safe, device-level signals as consumer habits shift to CTV (Connected TV) and mobile devices.  

Next Steps 

Going forward, as audiences increase their consumption of CTV, digital, and mobile media, there will be an increased need for privacy-safe, device-level signals. Advertisers will require consistent and accurate linkage between IP, Device IDs, and households to support outcome-based measurement and improved frequency capping for cross-channel campaigns. 

In the evolving digital landscape, the demise of cookies is a catalyst for innovation. Aperture Viewer Graph exemplifies our future-thinking approach to advertising, embracing the cookieless era. As the advertising ecosystem continues to transform, advertisers must adapt to stay ahead. Ultimately, the cookie may have crumbled, but opportunities for strategic adaptation are boundless. 

Get in touch today to learn more about Aperture Viewer Graph and how Cadent can support your advertising initiatives. 

Navigating the Movie Industry: Maximizing Marketing Opportunities in the Post-Strike Era Wed, 20 Dec 2023 23:35:20 +0000 Making movie magic means getting people into theaters or on streaming platforms. Find out Cadent can support your upcoming film releases.]]>

2023 was a challenging year for the film and TV industry. With the Writers’ Strike and discussions around the use of AI, studios had to reevaluate longstanding practices for today’s evolving landscape. One of the biggest players, Disney, revealed that it spent $965 million on four of its most high-profile streaming and films only for them to flop with consumers. Their highly anticipated releases, including The Little Mermaid and Indiana Jones, barely broke even with their multimillion-dollar budgets.

In a competitive entertainment market, studios must optimize financial resources to make a profit. On the production side, studios will find ways to cut costs by filming on a sound stage instead of on location or filming in countries that reimburse part of the costs for bringing business to the local economy. Similarly, when it comes time to release a movie, studios need solutions that will raise awareness and drive people to theaters or tune into streaming platforms.

Getting Audiences in Theater Seats

Data-driven strategies that emphasize efficiency and audience insights allow studios to make the most of ad dollars. By layering third-party data across omnichannel campaigns, studios can enrich existing datasets – such as subscriber data – with information like demographics, behavioral data, and contextual data, refining targeting strategies. This approach ensures promotional efforts are more personalized and therefore, effective. Additionally, as consumers increasingly shift their viewing habits to OTT/CTV and streaming, advertisers must find ways to reach the right audience. Leveraging a media mix that includes linear TV, connected TV (CTV), online video (OLV), and digital media enables studios to promote films better and capture consumer attention.

Making Movie Magic with Cadent

Cadent offers a suite of cutting-edge solutions for the entertainment industry that help to boost advertising efficiency and increase reach. Cadent Aperture Platform provides movie advertisers with capabilities like audience building, audience, and media activation, as well as audience extension. By leveraging Aperture Data Marketplace, studios can access valuable insights and enhance their understanding of audience behavior.

Additionally, Aperture Platform stands out because of its converged TV supply, seamlessly integrating across digital, CTV, and linear platforms. This process not only streamlines the process of media buying but also eliminates the need to execute individual IOs across multiple publishers. Through Aperture Platform, studios gain access to premium inventory which supports reaching a broad audience with national reach, or more granular targeting for more niche films. For example, Aperture Platform supports the use of transactional data to target individuals who have purchased movie theater tickets, or behavioral data to engage viewers who watch horror movies on streaming services.

These combined solutions allow advertisers to orchestrate end-to-end omnichannel campaigns, reaching audiences across TV, video, and digital, ensuring a unified viewer experience.

Next Steps

Studios aspire for blockbuster success and the most difficult aspect – after creating a memorable film – is reaching the widest possible audience, quickly and efficiently. With Cadent, its movie advertising made easy. Find out how you can make the most of your film ad budgets. 

Get in touch to learn how Cadent can support your upcoming movie marketing campaigns.

Optimize Your Strategic Pharma Campaigns for Today’s Converged TV Advertising Wed, 15 Nov 2023 19:45:25 +0000 Learn how data-driven technology can transform your cross-screen pharma and health-related advertising campaigns.]]>

In the continuously evolving landscape of TV advertising, the traditional stronghold of linear TV is facing stiff competition from digital media, particularly Connected TV (CTV). As audiences increasingly shift their attention to CTV, particularly with patients and health care providers (HCPs), pharmaceutical marketers are presented with a unique opportunity to maximize the impact of their campaigns with converged TV advertising.  

This fundamental change in consumer viewing habits calls for a data-driven, optimized strategy for pharma advertising to not only identify high-value audiences but also ensure their advertisements are seen as relevant. As a result, working with a reliable media partner is imperative for pharma marketers to successfully navigate this dynamic environment, strategize and optimize campaigns, achieve maximized ROAS, and exceed KPIs.  

Suppose an advertiser is promoting a new antibiotic for patients diagnosed with a specific ailment.  

Jack watches ESPN on his iPhone, his favorite Hulu show on his laptop, and ends the day with Netflix on his PlayStation. Sally, on the other hand, starts her day with local news and in the evening watches the BBC Home FAST channel on her smart TV. Both Jack and Sally have been diagnosed with the same ailment, making them the right audience for the advertiser. How can they effectively and privacy-consciously reach these audiences across various platforms? Successfully engaging Jack and Sally will require a precise audience data and media activation strategy.  

Identifying the Right Target 

One of the key advantages of implementing a converged approach to TV advertising is the ability to plan your campaign with a precise audience strategy.  

Working with trusted partners like Cadent unlocks the potential of utilizing robust and flexible audience tools, allowing advertisers to onboard and match first-party data securely and efficiently, and extend the value of your data by leveraging a wide variety of third-party data partners such as: 

Curating Audiences Across all Touchpoints 

As previously demonstrated with Jack and Sally, pharma and health-related audiences are not limited to one viewing device or experience, so knowing exactly where your audiences are is imperative to campaign success.  

Linear TV provides expansive reach through curated packages such as sports, with both live and in-game opportunities, and news packages, with the added benefit of daypart, geo, and addressable targeting. Yet the latest research suggests that pharma brands that underinvest in CTV are missing opportunities to reach consumers aged 50+ and HCPs as OTT offers the power of precision with first- and third-party data, allowing for enhanced contextual targeting.  

When it comes to consumer behavior, reports show that patients and doctors do not discern between platforms as much as marketers might think – TV is simply TV, regardless of where or how people are watching. You need a partner that can execute both, within a single platform, for efficient and effective campaign activation and measurement. By combining the reach of linear TV with the advanced targeting capabilities and unprecedented precision of OTT, pharma marketers can build a powerful and comprehensive media plan maximizing reach across over-indexing networks and dayparts while also delivering ads to precise household-level audiences prioritizing campaign relevance. 

Aperture Platform is data-agnostic offering pharma and health marketers access to an unparalleled depth of premium inventory at scale through open auctions, private marketplaces (PMPs), and direct deals – all in a fully secure and HIPAA-compliant manner – to meet audiences across relevant and available inventory. Our direct connections to supply across screens and devices provide pharma marketers access to 200+ MVPDs, 90+ cable networks, 1,100 broadcast stations, vMVPDs, SSP and exchange integrations, and direct publisher connections through Aperture MX. This means advertisers can leverage curated inventory across content categories such as health, news, sports, fitness, nursing, biotech, and more to effectively activate audiences across the converged TV environment and deliver a lift in incremental reach.  

Proving Performance in Pharmaceutical Marketing  

Choosing an integrated approach to audience targeting and cross-screen activation streamlines the advertising process, making it easy for advertisers to measure the success of their campaigns. Aperture Platform is integrated with best-in-class measurement partners to drive and quantify business results and measure metrics such as household penetration, Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS) and pharmaceutical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like doctor visitation, script lift, and new patients. 

By connecting high-value health audiences to brand-safe premium supply in a secure and HIPAA-compliant manner, Cadent empowers pharma marketers to reach their target audience and achieve their campaign objectives. 

The Perfect Prescription 

For pharmaceutical advertisers looking to embrace converged TV advertising, Cadent Aperture Platform stands as a beacon of intuitive technology that transforms health advertising into performance.  

Advertisers gain access to strategic planning and execution capabilities, enabling efficient data-driven campaigns across all screens – cable, broadcast, and OTT to confidently navigate the converged TV landscape, and ensure campaigns deliver maximum impact and value. 

Find out how to make the most of your media investments. Get in touch to learn how Cadent can support your pharma and health-related marketing campaigns.

Unlock Festive Strategies for Ad Campaign Success Thu, 28 Sep 2023 22:36:23 +0000 Discover how your brand can make the most of this holiday season with data-driven, omnichannel marketing strategies.]]>

As the festive spirit settles in, consumers are preparing for gift-shopping sprees, both online and in-store. To ensure that your holiday ad campaigns stand out and deliver exceptional results, it’s crucial to plan early and implement a thoughtful, data-driven approach. Below, we’ve curated our best strategies for how your brand can make the most of this holiday season.   

Leverage Cross-Screen Activation to Reach Incremental Seasonal Audiences  

The fragmentation of viewership has compelled advertisers to explore new and fresh approaches to their media strategies. As consumers increasingly invest time into streaming content and opt to disconnect from traditional cable services, it is crucial to adjust to these evolving habits. Nevertheless, despite these changes, linear TV remains a key player among consumers. According to Experian, high spenders are most engaged on CTV platforms, with linear and digital video coming in as close follow-ups, emphasizing the importance of allocating marketing dollars correctly across the converged TV landscape to enhance performance this holiday season.  

Implementing a cross-screen TV execution offers advertisers the opportunity to connect with a diverse holiday audience on broadcast and cable, while also targeting highly specific consumer segments through CTV – reaching ‘medium’ and ‘light’ linear viewers who may only be reachable by alternative inventory. Cadent’s unique approach provides a streamlined, end-to-end solution designed to target custom-curated seasonal audiences, activate campaigns across the converged TV landscape, and leverage data-driven insights for campaign optimization to exceed campaign objectives.  

Check out how this brand boosted holiday promotion awareness and reached +45M households through a cross-platform strategy spanning cable, broadcast, and CTV, resulting in increased visitation rates and ROAS.

Unwrap Success with Enchanting CTV and In-Store Promotions  

As the 2022 holiday season approached, heritage spirits brand, Jägermeister, wanted to find a way to build on their “Meister the Moment ™” ad campaign. Partnering with Catalina and Cadent, the brand was able to develop a campaign that leveraged CTV advertising and in-store promotions. The campaign focused on their 750ml bottle product and aimed to drive sales volume and trial with new 21-year-olds.  

    Using Catalina’s real-time purchase insights and shopping behaviors in combination with Cadent’s Aperture Viewer Graph identity solution, the campaign identified the brand’s current and lapsed buyers, as well as consumers most likely to try the product. Next, Aperture Platform was used to activate CTV media to the target audience segment across screens and devices. Catalina then followed up by serving that same audience with a trial offer in-store, in compliance with applicable state laws and regulations.  

    Once the campaign ended, reporting showed that the Jägermeister ads received 4 million impressions, driving a blended return on ad spend (ROAS) of $2.34, +53% sales lift period-over-period, and +59% sales lift from CTV. The Catalina and Cadent omnichannel strategy worked at every point in the purchase funnel – from awareness to trial – helping Jägermeister bottles fly quickly off shelves and into shoppers’ homes for the holidays. 

    Learn how this omnichannel Jägermeister campaign effectively operated at each stage of the purchase funnel – from awareness to trial – helping the brand ring in the holidays with a +59% CTV sales lift, and $2.34 ROAS.

    Optimizing Holiday Conversions Leveraging Data Across the Funnel   

    With the holiday season being one of the most lucrative and competitive times of the year, your brand must implement innovative methods to stand out beyond promotions. One gold mine of insights is first-party data to leverage information your audience has already given you, like purchase history, enhanced with third-party data to identify likely buyers and seasonal shoppers.  

      Cadent’s audience-first approach through Aperture Platform, gives advertisers access and scalability to a wide range of robust holiday segments such as:   

      • Last-Minute Holiday Shoppers 
      • Holiday Shoppers: Heavy Buyers/Spenders: Online   
      • Holiday Shoppers: One-Stop Holiday Shoppers/Power Shoppers: In-Store  
      • Location-Based Audiences > Retail > Behavioral > Holiday Shoppers 
      • Seasonal > Winter > CPG Retailers > Cost Conscious or Discount > [BRAND] Holiday Shoppers  

      Discover how this brand leveraged both first and third-party data to target existing, lapsed, and new customers resulting in a staggering $7.2M in incremental sales, and a surge of 50,000 new purchasing households.

      As we rapidly approach the upcoming 2023 holiday season, embrace tools that refine your targeting, activation, and measuring approaches. Ready to activate data-driven TV for your upcoming holiday campaign?  

      NBA Promotions: Win Big with Slam Dunk Advertising Strategies Mon, 28 Aug 2023 20:30:27 +0000 Discover how you can capitalize on the NBA season by engaging a passionate fan base. ]]>

      Earlier this summer, the NBA took center stage during the 2023 finals, featuring the Denver Nuggets against the Miami Heat, when the Nuggets took home their first NBA title. A week later, the draft showcased the latest group of young athletes eager to leave their mark on professional basketball. So, as the Nuggets claimed their championship and the sport welcomed a new wave of potential superstars, the league once again demonstrated its knack for captivating audiences – reaffirming its position as top-tier sports entertainment programming. 

      With millions of viewers tuning in, the NBA offers advertisers an engaged fan base with a remarkable platform to not only strategically reach precise audiences, but also increase brand awareness and achieve favorable ROAS. 

      Score with Surging Viewership 

      According to the NBA, the 2022-2023 season garnered more nights with 1 million plus viewers than any other major league sport in the U.S. In parallel, the playoffs achieved an impressive 2.7 rating and attracted an average audience of 5.12 million viewers across ABC, ESPN, TNT, and NBA TV. This notable viewership performance signifies the NBA’s highest average viewership in five years, and the third highest in the past decade.  

      Adding to the excitement, this past NBA season accounted for 15 of the top 20 most-watched programs among viewers under 50, during the months of April to June. This significant statistic holds value for advertisers who strategically align campaigns with key holidays like Earth Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Father’s Day, unlocking a world of engagement opportunities (hint, hint).  

      A Perfect Layup for Today’s Advertisers 

      With the next NBA season fast approaching, there is still time for brands to plan advanced targeting strategies and leverage world-class data to engage avid basketball fans – who will undoubtedly be tuning in throughout the entire season. Cadent’s audience-first approach through Aperture Platform, gives advertisers access and scalability to a wide range of robust segments such as:  

      • Enthusiastic NBA fans and NBA TV viewers 
      • Dedicated followers of the NBA playoffs 
      • Frequent visitors to NBA arenas 
      • NBA 2K interest propensity 
      • Coinbase buyer propensity 

      Multi-Channel Opportunity from Screen to Screen  

      It’s no surprise fans are viewing sports across a variety of devices and screens while multitasking on other devices. According to a recent study, NBA viewers will simultaneously look at a second screen to browse social media, ad-addressable websites, and sports apps, or play mobile games presenting multi-channel marketing potential. Yet, to reach these viewers exactly where they are, it’s crucial to work with an end-to-end partner for effective brand messaging deployment.  

      Cadent’s data-driven solutions simplify the execution of cross-screen advertising, unifying audiences, inventory, and measurement. Cadent enables brands to reach consumers across linear, OTT, and digital video formats for a more personalized and engaging experience. With an unparalleled depth of coverage across 90+ cable networks, 1100+ broadcast stations, and 100+ million households through CTV, Cadent connects audiences to the entire TV ecosystem through our patented cookie-less technology and drives quantified business results with comprehensive campaign reporting and measurement analytics.  

      Next Steps for NBA Advertisers

      As the NBA season approaches, capitalizing on advanced targeting solutions and amplifying reach through innovative platforms like Aperture Platform, brands can engage audiences across multiple channels for a truly immersive advertising experience. 

      Ready to activate data-driven TV for your next NBA campaign? 

      Gold-Medal Olympic Advertising Strategies for Brand Marketers Tue, 11 Jul 2023 20:10:21 +0000 Summer Olympics Paris 2024Learn how advertising during the Summer Olympics offers marketers the unparalleled opportunity to engage audiences with impactful messaging.]]> Summer Olympics Paris 2024

      Live sporting events have continued to serve as a prime arena for advertisers seeking meaningful engagement with high-value audiences. However, one event rises above the rest and presents a gold-medal advertising opportunity for brands – the Summer Olympics.  

      The Olympics Take Center Stage   

      As nations come together to celebrate athletic excellence, the Olympics offer a unique platform for marketers to connect with a broad audience of viewers. With millions of people tuning in, advertisers can target demographics across various age groups, interests, and locations, and engage both heavy (77%) and light (18%) sports viewership households. According to NBC, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics averaged a total of 15.6 million U.S. viewers per night with 120 billion minutes (or about 230,000 years!) of content consumed across their primetime and digital platforms.  

      And while viewership was affected by the time difference between the US and Japan, the 2020 Olympics presented a much bigger opportunity for advertisers to dap into unique digital viewers.  

      Win Big with Olympic Advertising  

      The 2020 Tokyo Olympics proved to be a historic moment in many ways. Notably, it pushed the boundaries of Olympic broadcasting across TV, digital streaming, websites, mobile apps, and social media. While spectators were unable to attend the event live due to COVID-19, increased coverage ensured fans could still come together and experience the excitement.  

      The 2020 Tokyo Games produced 44% more content than the 2016 Rio event, making it accessible across more devices and platforms than ever before. This new direction also increased digital consumption by 74% making the 2020 event the most-watched Olympic Games ever on digital media and emphasizing the evolving TV landscape.  

      While traditional TV remains the leading platform for Olympic consumption, brands should consider leveraging a multi-channel approach to combat fragmentation and reach unique digital viewers that stream across different screens and devices. Marketers must be able to activate brand messaging across multiple platforms to make the most of this high-impact tentpole event. However, marketers need an end-to-end advertising solution to engage fans where and how they are watching.  

      Cadent’s data-driven audience solution simplifies the execution of cross-screen advertising through Aperture Platform, connecting the entire TV ecosystem. Leverage multiple-week coverage and customize plans across platforms to extend reach amongst unique digital viewers. Measure proof-of-performance through elevated standardized reporting and deeper audience understanding to achieve greater investment accountability.  

      Forging Strong Consumer Connections 

      Successful Olympic advertising campaigns hinge on the strong brand association that echoes the spirit of the games. By aligning brand messaging and creative elements with Olympic ideals such as excellence and unity, brands can build deeper connections with viewers.  

      A unique association will last beyond the duration of the event, as the extended schedule allows brands to maintain a consistent presence and reinforce messaging across a wider window of time. Strategically extending promotional efforts across the 16-day period maximizes impact to create a lasting impression. By boosting exposure and presenting cohesive brand messaging, brands can significantly increase awareness and reach. Ultimately, investing in Olympic advertising allows brands to drive meaningful engagement with their target audiences.  

      Next Steps for Olympic Advertisers 

      The Summer Olympic Games present a golden opportunity for brands to showcase their messaging to a sizeable national audience. With the diverse array of platforms and devices that fans use to watch the event, marketers have the chance to create powerful, memorable, and engaging campaigns that foster strong brand affinity.  

      The Olympics provide a stage like no other and now is the time to seize this opportunity – with a team of experts by your side.  

      Don’t miss the chance to secure packages for the highly anticipated 2024 Paris Summer Olympics. 

      Why Advertisers Can’t Afford to Miss Out on this NFL Season Mon, 15 May 2023 18:51:18 +0000 No other programming comes close to the viewer engagement of NFL games. Learn how Cadent can help you can reach the loyal and niche audiences that the NFL has on lock.]]>

      The NFL is once again proving to be a jackpot for advertisers looking to reach a loyal and niche audience. With millions of consumers tuning in to watch games every week leading up to the big game, the NFL offers a dedicated fan base and platform for advertisers to tap into to increase awareness, consideration, and ROAS.  

      Score Big with Your Campaign Goals 

      Advertisers know that the NFL is a smart investment to score incremental reach among a diverse audience, whether it’s the regular season, playoffs, or the big game. Already off to a great start, the 2023 NFL draft saw a 12% increase in TV ratings, averaging 6 million viewers on ABC, ESPN, and NFL Network – proving this season is going to be a hit.  

      During the 2022 regular season, the NFL captivated an average of 16.7 million viewers per game, while an impressive 115.1 million viewers watched the big game, making it the most-watched NFL game in history. And although the average viewership was down slightly from 2021 partly due to the shift of Thursday Night Football from linear TV to Amazon Prime, the NFL accounted for 82 of the top 100 most-watched TV shows in 2022.  

      According to Nielsen, the NFL is comprised of a broad audience, split almost evenly between men and women, with 55% of viewers being male. Fans come from the full spectrum of socioeconomic backgrounds but are considered relatively affluent with an average household income of $115k+. Notably, NFL audiences span a wide range of age groups, with 70% of viewers aged 18-49 (over-indexing P35-49), providing marketers with the opportunity to tailor advertisements to specific demographics within a broad audience.   

      Not only does the NFL provide a diverse fan base, but American football fans are one of the most devoted sports groups, supplying a highly engaged audience for marketers. According to CBS, this highly captivated audience tunes in for an average of four hours per week, and 97% of the viewership is watching games live, meaning fans are sitting through more advertisements. Understanding that this audience is highly influenced to purchase through ads, only increases the value of the NFL for marketers and offers the opportunity to build brand affinity.  

      Learn more about what makes NFL games some of the best programs for reach.

      Multi-Channel Opportunities   

      With recent shifts in industry trends, it’s no surprise fans have access to a wide variety of viewing options which gives marketers an array of ad opportunities and the possibility to strategically target audiences across multiple channels and touchpoints. And whether fans are switching from linear TV to smart TVs or internet-connected devices, viewership is projected to increase year-over-year as viewing options expand.  

      The latest research shows that NFL viewership on Smart TV devices has increased by 58% among fans aged 18-34, and while 59% of fans still plan to watch games on linear TV, 41% of fans are switching to OTT (CTV, smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc.) to live-stream the season, allowing advertisers to engage with online audiences and deliver content in real-time. However, it means marketers are seeking an end-to-end advertising solution in this fragmented marketplace to meet fans where they are and activate brand messaging across screens.  

      Cadent’s data-driven solution to simplify the execution of cross-screen advertising through Aperture Platform, connects the entire TV ecosystem, unifying audiences, inventory, and measurement. Cadent enables brands to reach consumers across multiple devices for a more personalized and engaging experience. With an unparalleled depth of coverage across 90+ cable networks, 1100+ broadcast stations, and 100+ million households through CTV, Cadent connects audiences to screens through our patented cookie-less technology, mapping device IP addresses with household viewing habits.  

      Next Steps for NFL Advertisers 

      The NFL is a sure bet to maximize ROI and reach a large audience with high engagement. By taking advantage of the various platforms and devices NFL audiences use to watch football-related content, marketers can create an impactful and effective ad campaign that connects with fans and creates strong brand affinity.  

      Ready to activate on data-driven TV and leverage the power of the NFL fanbase? 

      Why the FIFA Women’s World Cup is a Goal-Winning Ad Opportunity Wed, 12 Apr 2023 19:42:31 +0000 As women’s sports experience rapid growth, advertisers are beginning to take notice. Learn how you can score big this with the Women's World Cup.]]>

      In 2019, 14.3 million U.S. viewers tuned into the FIFA Women’s World Cup final match making it the TV event with one of the biggest nationwide audiences. And, as the sport becomes increasingly popular in the United States, advertisers are beginning to take notice of this untapped opportunity.  

      Scoring Big with Women’s Soccer  

      The 2019 match demonstrated the power of this fanbase, with 17 million more TV impressions and 20% more viewers than the 2018 men’s World Cup. With this summer’s WWC, the two-time world champions, Team U.S.A. will be the center of attention – scoring incremental viewership amongst a diverse audience.  

      According to Global Web Index, WWC viewers in the U.S. skew slightly more toward males (55%) than females (45%) but overall, are relatively even split. Notably, the female audience is made up of younger age groups, while the male audience is made up of older age groups – both considered relatively affluent. This audience composition, paired with the knowledge that consumers plan to spend more this summer than in 2022, only increases the value of this July event for advertisers.  

      Yet the WWC is not the only women’s sporting event beginning to gain recognition. The trajectory of women’s soccer is unrivaled and already catching the eye of many investors. Specifically, the National Women’s Soccer League championship has seen viewership growth of 453% year-over-year. The fast-paced atmosphere and fan pride encourage viewers to gather around the big screen and be part of the action – even among viewers who do not typically watch the sport. So as Women’s Soccer continues to generate significantly more revenue than Men’s Soccer, advertisers will reap the benefits of ad placements through increased awareness, consideration, and ROAS. 

      Meet Fans Where They Are Watching 

      With its widespread appeal and diverse audience, it is no surprise that the way fans consume World Cup content is ever-changing. The latest survey shows that 60% of audiences prefer to watch the World Cup on linear TV; however, 32% will also view it on streaming platforms, 31% report that they have tuned in on a smartphone or tablet, and 18% on a laptop or desktop computer. This means brands seeking an end-to-end advertising solution will need to meet fans where they are and activate brand messaging across screens.  

      Cadent’s creative approach to converged TV advertising through Aperture Platform allows brands to engage audiences across-screen and help them find missing sports audiences – on a national footprint. With access to over 90+ cable networks, 1000+ broadcast stations, and 100M HH through CTV, Cadent allows marketers to reach the right audience, efficiently and effectively.  

      Next Steps for FIFA Women’s World Cup Advertisers  

      Although the Women’s World Cup schedule is brief, the opportunity to reach a wide audience is huge. To capitalize on this major tentpole event, it is critical to engage viewers across screens and utilize third-party insights for advanced targeting and measurement.  

      Ready to activate data-driven TV for your next sports campaign?  
